Thank-you-page Redirects

Submission Redirects

The redirection is a Automation feature of Formzillion where user will redirect on form submission. Formzillion provides three distinct methods to redirect your form submitters.

  • Default thank you page
  • Customized thank you page content
  • Customized thank you page URL


  1. Login to Formzillion
  2. Select Form
  3. Navigate to Settings > Redirects


Default thank you page

Upon submitting a form, Formzillion will redirect the user to a standard thank-you page created by Formzillion.


Customized thank you page content

If you want to continue utilizing Formzillion's pre-existing thank you page template while making changes to the text and headers, you can access the customization feature of the Redirection Automation action.


With this feature, you can modify the Title, Message, Button, and Button URL of the default Formzillion thank you page to suit your needs.


Customized thank you page URL

If you prefer not to send your form submitters to Formzillion's default thank-you page, you can opt to set a custom redirection URL instead.
